Thanks for visiting Medihits. We are still working on development of this platform, which will be the most unique and innovative Global Healthcare Ecosystem. We, team Medihits want to Welcome you warmly, once Medihits, will be ready and functional, till then please accept our Apologies.

Thank you 


Medihits welcomes each and every person, organisation, institution , associated in any means with any field or speciality of healthcare  . They may be doctors, dentists , medical & dental professionals, medical and dental colleges, universities,  assistants, hospitals, clinics, traders, developers, researchers, students, nurses, or even common public looking forward to gain any knowledge regarding healthcare, or any body in the world, who want to serve humanity, healthcare and medical field and want to grow along with.


Medihits is a social networking site, with a mission for creating an authentic platform or knowledge bank or base more specifically for medical and healthcare specialities, but can be used by anybody, if it is in favour of humanity, with in the limits of community guide lines.


Here any doctor, medical- dental student, medical professional or any body, (who is anyhow or with any mean related or connected with medical or healthcare field) from any part of the world, can share their knowledge or can keep their queries, in front of others, to find out solutions.


Here you can also connect with like minded, intelligent and authentic people of your own pride profession.


To maintain and uplift the quality and authenticity of the content, Medihits advice all users to follow few tips, as, all the groups, in the name of any institution or organisation must be owned, by the head of that institution or organisation. Medihits request all medical - dental colleges and universities, to share their shareable knowledge at all levels from students to, teachers, researchers and alumnus etc.


You can give topics for discussion at different levels. Any one can write a blog on any topic, even students and teachers can make and keep notes for any important topics. This will bring some more competitive environment, and excitement among everyone.


In short this is a place where any one can invest (share) their usable knowledge. This kind of knowledge investment, will slowly create audiences and visitors for you content, from whole world, around you, which may be helpful in raising yourself.

Here you can create events too. One can invite others to join the network (as much the network grows, your popularity and professional value also grows)

You can make your new friends, communities, groups, create events. You can create good quality audience around you with your quality and consistent online presence, through blogs, pages, wires, discussions etc..


Your regular, good quality online work will act as a kind of professional investment, which may give you very good returns in form of your Global professional presence and recognition.


So, make use of this unique platform generously to grow your Global Professional value, and also to increase the strength of your relationships.

You are advised to read terms and privacy policy carefully , to use Medihits more efficiently.

Best of luck, for all your steps taken towards your own and professional growth, on Medihits.